Background verification plays a very significant and critical role in any organization today. Our services helps to reduce this percentage significantly.

Organizations benefit from background verification processes by:

• Helping well informed hiring decisions
• Minimizing replacement hiring costs
• Creating safe and productive workplace
• Better quality employees


Background Verification Process:

• On signing of the contract , HR Central client servicing member gives you a welcome call and builds a shared understanding of the documents and verification requirements.
• Upon receiving the cases, document insufficiencies are reported within 24 hours.
• Cases are assigned to specific verification team members and field officers.
• Timely (within TAT) verifications are conducted with the sources – university, certifying body, earlier employer, police station / office, references, and site visits for address checks.
• Constantly updating the status of the verification progress by emails.
• Finally scan and email reports once completed

Types of Background Verification we provide

• Address verification:
The field officer verifies the address details, the tenure of stay, the ownership status and details of other members residing there. If in case the door is found locked , the officer goes ahead and verifies the details from people residing in the neighborhood.
The cost of such a check will typically depend upon the remoteness and accessibility of the location. This check may not be feasible in certain disturbed areas or may cost extremely high.

• Criminal verification (police):
Criminal verification for address check is done at the police station We hand over reports received duly signed by the authorities if any.

• Reference verification:
We do reference checks either by email or phone calls to verify the applicant’s trustworthiness, adaptability, reliability, competency, professional qualifications, attendance, and integrity. The points covered in the feedback can vary depending upon the job profile, seniority, and nature of responsibilities. We have a comprehensive set of questions that the clients might chose from or the list may be customized based on the clients’ requirements

Other checks we perform on case to case basis
We also provide the following background checks as per client requirements
• Social Media Scan
• Court record Checks